What Europe Thinks ...

What the French Think … About the Germans and Vice Versa


A number of recent surveys support the view that the French and the Germans are drifting apart. Strong cross-border initiatives in the fields of education, public media, culture, and tourism remain potent counterweights.

François Hublet
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What Europe Thinks ... About Geostrategy

The EU is becoming more of a security actor. European publics approve, at least in the abstract.

Luke Johnson
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What Europe Thinks … About EU Enlargement

Overall, Europeans are in favor of a bigger European Union. However, there are huge differences when it comes to individual countries and whether or not it requires reforms.

Luke Johnson
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What Europe Thinks … About the Global South and Vice Versa

Polling reveals a divide between Europe and the Global South over Russia’s war against Ukraine. Europeans should do more to shore up support for a global coalition against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Luke Johnson
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What Europe Thinks … About China

In Europe, China’s charm offensive is increasing falling on deaf ears, as attitudes harden, in part due to Beijing’s tacit support for Russia in its war against Ukraine.

Luke Johnson
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What Europe Thinks ... About Trade

According to polls, Germans want the EU to shield their companies in similar ways the United States and China do. Transatlantic unity, however, offers a better chance for fundamentally rebuilding Germany’s economy.

Luke Johnson
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What the Indo-Pacific Thinks ... About Europe

The European Union is viewed quite positively in the Indo-Pacific. However, economic engagement does not necessarily translate into popularity.

David Hutt
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What Europe Thinks ... About the United States and Vice Versa

Public opinion on both sides of the Atlantic about transatlantic relations is warmer since Joe Biden won the US presidency. But a return of a Republican to the White House could end this with a bang.

Luke Johnson
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What Europe Thinks ... About Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine caused a surge in support for the country’s EU membership. However there already signs that support may be cooling. And doubts persist about whether Ukraine can fulfil the many accession criteria.

Luke Johnson
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What Europe Thinks ... About Russia

Even before Putin launched his war against Ukraine, the European public at large was ahead of their governments in expecting the Russian president to opt for violence. Support for Ukraine is widespread, while the thinking about Russia has fundamentally changed.

Rafael Loss
Gosia Piaskowska
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What Europe Thinks ... About European Sovereignty

A clear majority of Europeans are in favor of an EU that is sovereign and capable of acting. What’s more, most regard national and European sovereignty as going hand in hand.

Ralf Hexel
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