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Europe’s Hamiltonian Test Is Still to Come

The debate about further enhancing the EU’s financial firepower has led nowhere and might actually be regressing. It is time to discuss the future of the EU budget, its capacity to borrow and Europe’s taxing power with greater urgency. 

Shahin Vallée
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The New Quantum Technology Race

With China and Russia collaborating on quantum technologies, the international race for superiority in this field is heating up. And Europe is well positioned to keep the pace.

Valentin Weber
The Wider View
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The Bundeswehr Returns to the Indo-Pacific

Germany’s navy and air force are planning to beef up their participation in various military exercises halfway around the world in 2024. This speaks of a clearer strategy vis-à-vis China and the region.

Helena Legarda
Indo-Pacific Watch
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Trouble at the Top

It’s not much of a secret that Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz are very different characters. Their deepening rift is damaging the Franco-German relationship—and Europe.

Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
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The European Union’s Hungary Problem

The Orbán government’s upcoming presidency of the Council of the European Union has sparked criticism. More important, however, is the question of how the EU deals with a member state that breaks away from the principles of the rule of law.

Thu Nguyen
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The Great Extraction

Competition for critical raw materials such as lithium, cobalt, and rare earth elements is in full swing. If Europe wants to be a successful player, it must coordinate its efforts better.

Melanie Müller
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The EU’s Quest for Critical Raw Materials Raises Familiar Questions

Brussels has signaled that securing critical raw materials for the green transition is a top priority. But it faces major challenges in its competition with China, of which the biggest is how to convince companies to prioritize geopolitics over the market.

Jacob Mardell
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The EU Is Close to Another Hamiltonian Moment

In 2020, the European Union spent big and agreed on a common vaccine strategy to survive the pandemic. Today, French President Emmanuel Macron believes EU cash and a common plan to arm Kyiv is what is needed to keep Russia at bay. 

Joseph de Weck
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Five Illusions of German Foreign Policy

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has sparked some changes in German foreign and security policy. But on scores of issues that are in many cases fundamental, Berlin is finding it hard to abandon old certainties: five examples.

Andreas Rinke
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America-Proofing Europe

Rather than focusing on Donald Trump, Europeans should start thinking about what a second term for US President Joe Biden will mean.

Stephen F. Szabo
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