Dr. Henning Hoff is executive editor of Internationale Politik Quarterly (IPQ) and editor-at-large of Internationale Politik (IP). He studied international history in Cologne and London and worked as a foreign correspondent in the British capital for nearly a decade after receiving his doctorate. In 2011, he joined IP and its publisher, the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). Since 2014, he has also been responsible for the IP‘s international edition, the IPQ.


Hoping for Joe

Germany has become dangerously cavalier when it comes to the country’s vital relationship with the United States.

Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date

A la Recherche d’une Politique Russe

The Navalny case seems to be bringing about a fundamental rethink of Germany’s Russia policy. This is a very good thing.

Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date

Missing Dimensions

With trouble brewing in Belarus, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East, many eyes are turning to German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. But he is not the power-broker type.

Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date

Angela Merkel’s Treble Headache

The German chancellor is about to preside over her second EU presidency. Conflicts over the EU budget, Brexit, and China are looming large.

Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date

Henning Hoff
