Dr. Henning Hoff is executive editor of Internationale Politik Quarterly (IPQ) and editor-at-large of Internationale Politik (IP). He studied international history in Cologne and London and worked as a foreign correspondent in the British capital for nearly a decade after receiving his doctorate. In 2011, he joined IP and its publisher, the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). Since 2014, he has also been responsible for the IP‘s international edition, the IPQ.


Europe after Merkel

In the fourth issue of INTERNATIONALE POLITIK QUARTERLY we're focusing on the European Union as Angela Merkel's chancellorship draws to a close.

Henning Hoff
Creation date

The Greening of German Foreign Policy

Led by Annalena Baerbock, the Greens have managed to position themselves as current leaders of the pack when it comes to replacing Angela Merkel in the chancellery. Their new focus on foreign policy, and a commitment to strengthening transatlantic ties, is welcome.

Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date

The EU-US-China Triangle

In the third issue of INTERNATIONALE POLITIK QUARTERLY we're focusing on the power relationships between the European Union, the United States, and China and the world they will be shaping.

Henning Hoff
Creation date

Under the Influence

For too long, Germany has been in awe of China’s economic might. That has let the country turn a blind eye to how the newly assertive global power is making its presence felt.

Henning Hoff
Berlin Cable
Creation date

Henning Hoff
