Summer 2021 Issue: Europe after Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel
IPQ 3/2021

In the fourth issue of INTERNATIONALE POLITIK QUARTERLY we're focusing on the European Union as Angela Merkel's chancellorship draws to a close.


What Europe Thinks ...

Cover Section

Jana Puglierin

The Crisis Manager Departs

Angela Merkel had the advantage that during her 16 years at the helm, Germany was spared the economic and political upheaval many of its neighbors experienced. Her successors may not be so lucky.
Claire Demesmay

In Search of the Next Partner

With Angela Merkel leaving the scene, French President Emmanuel Macron needs to build bridges to her potential successors, and quickly.
Nicoletta Pirozzi

Super Mario

With the former ECB President Mario Draghi at the helm, Italy is finally making a comeback as a major European player.
Andrea Kendall-Taylor
Carisa Nietsche

The Stakes are High

Angela Merkel’s slow and deliberate approach to issues important to Washington has impeded a transatlantic kick-start.

Toward a New German Foreign Policy

Thomas Bagger

“Germany, We Need to Talk”

Debate about what should be done in foreign policy will only find real resonance if Germans understand that this is about their personal future.

Berlin Cable

Henning Hoff

Merkel’s Final Act

During her last few weeks in office, the German chancellor seems to be trying to rejig the West.


Joseph de Weck

Defying History

Emmanuel Macron’s chances of securing a second term look good.

Carbon Critical

Noah J. Gordon

Climate Policy Comes Home

All the German parties want credit for raising climate targets. But none wants to be blamed for raising carbon prices to achieve them.

The Wider View

Quarterly Concerns